First Consultation

First Consultation with the Chiropractor: A Step-by-Step Process

  1. Extensive Intake : Your first step with the chiropractor is an in-depth conversation about your medical history and current complaints. This intake interview is crucial for personal and effective treatment. You will be asked to complete a questionnaire via our website. This helps us to get a thorough picture of your health status.

  2. Review of Medical Imaging : If you have x-rays, MRI scans or other relevant medical images, these will be reviewed by the chiropractor. This step is invaluable in identifying the exact cause of your complaints.

  3. Physical Examination : An extensive physical examination will then take place. This includes the assessment of musculoskeletal, nervous and movement aspects. Through chiropractic, orthopedic and neurological tests we get a complete picture of your physical condition.

  4. Advanced Diagnostic Techniques:

    • Myovision scan : An advanced EMG (Electromyogram), developed by NASA, is used to analyze muscle activity. This helps to make muscle tension or blockages visible through graphic drawings of the back.
    • Posture analysis : This analysis reveals any asymmetry in the body, which can play a crucial role in back problems or other complaints.
    • Infrared scan (Thermal image analysis) : Using an infrared scan we can determine whether complaints are related to muscles, nerves or an acute inflammatory process.
  5. Conclusion and Treatment Plan : After this extensive research it becomes clear whether chiropractic treatment is possible and useful. If your complaints fall outside the scope of chiropractic care, we will provide a targeted referral to your GP or another specialist.