Spinal Decompression Therapy

Discover the Unique Combination of Spinal Decompression and Local Cryotherapy at Healthwise Clinic

Do you suffer from back problems caused by incorrect pressure on your intervertebral discs, resulting in nerve compression? Symptoms such as pain, tingling, numbness and even loss of consciousness can indicate this condition. At Healthwise Clinic we offer an innovative solution: a combination of Spinal Decompression Therapy and local cryotherapy.

What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?
This therapy focuses on repositioning and strengthening the intervertebral discs. By subtly stretching the spine on our special decompression table, we reduce the pressure on the intervertebral discs and nerves. This process is usually painless and is experienced as very pleasant.

The Benefits of Local Cryotherapy
We offer local cryotherapy in combination with Spinal Decompression. This treatment uses controlled cold to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. This unique combination is quite rare in the Netherlands and offers a powerful, non-invasive treatment method.

Who is this treatment suitable for?
Our therapy is ideal for people with hernia-related complaints, chronic back pain or other related conditions. After just 5-6 sessions you can experience significant improvement. For a lasting result we recommend 10-15 treatments. Many of our clients have achieved a symptom-free existence without surgical intervention.

This therapy is not recommended for pregnant women, patients with severe osteoporosis, severe obesity, severe nerve damage, or for individuals with screws or plates in the back.

At Healthwise Kliniek we are committed to your well-being with this advanced and unique therapy. Experience the relief and improvement of your back problems yourself. Contact us today for more information or to make an appointment.