
Welcome to Healthwise Clinic for Cryolipolysis treatments

At Healthwise Clinic we offer an advanced and non-invasive solution for fat reduction: cryolipolysis. Often known as “fat freezing” or “coolsculpting,” this treatment is a popular choice for those looking for an effective way to target stubborn fat without the need for surgery.

What is Cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis is an FDA-approved procedure that uses controlled cooling to crystallize and eliminate fat cells. This process specifically targets problem areas such as the abdomen, flanks, thighs, upper arms and even the double chin. It is an ideal treatment for those areas that do not respond to traditional methods such as diet and exercise.

How does Cryolipolysis work?

During the treatment, an applicator is used that delivers controlled cooling to the desired areas. This cooling crystallizes the fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissue. These crystallized cells are then naturally eliminated by the body, resulting in a slimmer and more defined appearance.

The benefits of Cryolipolysis:

  1. Non-invasive and Safe : No surgery, no needles and no long recovery time.
  2. Targeted Fat Reduction : Effective in reducing fat on specific body parts.
  3. Natural Results : Gradual reduction of fat provides a natural-looking result.
  4. Comfortable Treatment : Most clients experience little to no discomfort.

Your Cryolipolysis Experience at Healthwise Kliniek:

  • Consultation : A personal discussion of your goals and an evaluation of the areas to be treated.
  • Preparation : A non-invasive, comfortable preparation for the treatment.
  • Treatment : A session lasts on average 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the area.
  • After treatment : Immediate return to daily activities without recovery time.

After your treatment, you can expect some temporary side effects such as redness or numbness, but these will disappear quickly. Results become visible gradually over a period of several weeks to months.

Is Cryolipolysis something for you?

Ideal for those who are close to their target weight but struggling with stubborn fat deposits. It is an excellent non-surgical alternative to traditional methods such as liposuction.

Make an Appointment for a Consultation:

Contact Healthwise Kliniek for a personal consultation. We will discuss your goals with you and create a customized treatment plan. Let us help you achieve your desired body contours in a safe and effective way.

Take the first step towards a more confident appearance with Healthwise Kliniek. Our expert specialists are ready to guide you on your journey to a tighter and more defined body.

What is Cryolipolysis? Cryolipolysis, also called “fat freezing” or “coolsculpting,” is an advanced procedure that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat cells. This non-surgical technique is FDA-approved and popular for its effectiveness in reducing localized fat deposits. Cryolipolysis targets specific areas such as the abdomen, flanks (love handles), thighs, upper arms, double chin and more.

How does Cryolipolysis work? During a cryolipolysis session, an applicator is placed on the desired treated area. The applicator provides controlled cooling, which crystallizes the fat cells under the skin without causing damage to the surrounding tissue. Over time, the crystallized fat cells break down and are naturally eliminated by your body's lymphatic system, resulting in a more sculpted appearance.

The benefits of Cryolipolysis:

  1. Non-invasive: Cryolipolysis is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction, eliminating the need for incisions, anesthesia and recovery time.
  2. Targeted Fat Reduction: It specifically targets and reduces fat cells in problem areas that are resistant to diet and exercise.
  3. Safe and FDA Approved: Cryolipolysis has undergone extensive research and testing to ensure its safety and effectiveness.
  4. Natural-looking results: The gradual process of fat cell removal provides natural-looking and long-lasting results.
  5. Minimal discomfort: Most patients experience minimal discomfort during the treatment, with a sensation of intense cold and light pressure that decreases as the area becomes numb.

What can you expect during your Cryolipolysis treatment:

  1. Consultation: You will meet with our experienced practitioner to discuss your goals, assess the areas to be treated, and determine if cryolipolysis is right for you.
  2. Preparation: The area to be treated is cleaned and a gel cushion or gel sheet is applied to protect your skin.
  3. Applicator Placement: The applicator is placed on the targeted area, and you may feel a gentle suction as it adheres to your skin.
  4. Cooling process: You will feel a cold sensation as cooling begins. This gradually numbs the area, and you can relax, read or watch television during the treatment.
  5. Treatment duration: The session usually lasts between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the area treated and your customized treatment plan.
  6. After treatment: Once the applicator has been removed, your practitioner may perform a short massage to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment. You can immediately resume your daily activities.

After your Cryolipolysis treatment:

  1. Temporary side effects: You may experience temporary redness, bruising, numbness, or mild discomfort in the treated area. These side effects usually disappear within a few days or weeks.
  2. Gradual Results: Over the following weeks, your body will naturally eliminate the treated fat cells, resulting in a more sculpted appearance. Optimal results are usually achieved within two to three months.
  3. Additional Sessions: Depending on the desired outcome and your practitioner's advice, you may need to undergo multiple cryolipolysis sessions to achieve your goals.

Is Cryolipolysis right for you? Cryolipolysis is a suitable option for people who:

  • Are close to their ideal weight but have difficulty with localized fat deposits.
  • Looking for a non-surgical approach to body contouring.
  • Have realistic expectations about results and understand that cryolipolysis is not a weight loss method.

Schedule a Consultation: If you are interested in cryolipolysis and would like to learn more about how it can benefit you, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our experienced team. During your consultation, we can address any concerns you may have and create a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Remember, cryolipolysis offers a non-invasive solution for reducing stubborn fat and achieving the body shape you desire. We are ready to guide you on your journey to a more confident you. Contact us today to take the first step towards your desired body transformation!